concept creator: alexandra prado
writer: alexandra prado
implicit message investigators: alexandra prado & kiley campbell
directors: alexandra prado & shealyn mcfadden
model: kiley campbell
drawing on inspiration from: levi-strauss, rubin, irigaray, foucault, bartky
My Body, a Battleground:
An Investigation of Power and the Female Body Through Protest Language
For this project, I’ve decided to investigate the female body, as not only an object of power, but as a grounds for power struggles. To do so, I examined a phenomenon I’ve become far more familiar with over the past few years--protests. Discussions surrounding the construct of gender--particularly feminism, trans rights, GNC rights, and body policing--have become rallying points for our generation. What better place to investigate the power structures at play than the deliberately catchy protest slogans, the carefully contained explosions of deep-seated passion?
I began by looking at these popularized protest statements and attempted to decipher some of the implicit messages within them. Some seem obvious, others a less so, but all are indicators that a sign can hold a lot more than four words.
I then juxtaposed these implicit messages, carriers of both pride and shame, with one of the very objects of their expression--the female body, and specifically, the body of a trans woman. I wanted to capture some of the raw emotion felt towards the struggles at hand, and to show how the movements can both empower and degrade.
women's rights are human rights / trans rights are human rights
this pussy grabs back!
proud to be a nasty woman
if you're not angry, you're not paying attention
free the nipple
no uterus, no opinion
the future is female
Discussion Questions